What's a Do-ath-on? Well its part of FabChangeDay a year of ideas into action.
The fourth Fab Change Day took place on the 19 October 2016. We want to build on the amazing energy and ideas which emerged from the day. At the Do-ath-on we are taking the major themes that emerged from Fab Change Day and turning them into workstreams to share ideas and best practice across the NHS and social care.
The 5 key themes that arose from the pledges on FabChangeDay were :
- Sepsis Check out the Sepsis game at: http://changeday.sepsisgame.com/
- Dementia Watch this video about Dementia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zexUIzt-cEc
- Patient Experience
- Visible Leadership
- Home First
We will be tweeting throughout the day and Periscoping so you can follow throughout the Do-ath-on.