The 4 Candles Award is sponsored by the IHM

The 2 Ronnies, featuring Ronnie Corbett and Ronnie Barker, first broadcast their ‘4 Candles’ sketch in 1976. It features a shopkeeper, played by Ronnie Corbett, becoming increasingly frustrated by a customer, played by Ronnie Barker, because he continuously misunderstands what he is requesting.
If your project has relied on an ability to listen and respond to feedback from any source, then the 4 Candles award could be yours!
1 Jennie Negus ULHT - Patient Panel and Care Partners
2 Kent Community Health NHS FT - Bladder Diary used by Community Nursing Teams HERE
3. MPFT - Three key steps to achieving transformative care across our younger stroke population. Stop think and listen
4 East and North Hertfordshire NHST - Improving safety post ED discharge HERE
5 East and North Hertfordshire NHST work on a deteriorating patient QIP
6 PAHT - co-design malnutrition out of the system,identifying what matters to patients & families in looking after their hospital nutritional needs