Fab Change Day Activists School

Fab Change Day Activists School featured image
Want to make a positive change in your unit, department or team , but not sure where to start?

This year, NHS Change Day is joining forces with The Academy of Fabulous Stuff to create Fabulous Change Day on Wednesday 19 October 2016. We hope that you will be able to take action on this date (and all year round) to improve things for patients, service users, families and colleagues.

Ahead of Fab Change Day, we’re running one-day training events at six venues round the country to build your skills in leading change and help you make a real difference to patients and staff.

The one day school runs from 10am to 4pm. It is free* for staff in health and social care and for patients and families.

Why come to the one day school?

In order to change and improve health and care, we have to be able to challenge the status quo: the existing thinking, culture and ways of doing things. This can be tough! Come spend an energising day with people of like minds.  This highly active day school will offer you practical methods for surviving and thriving as an agent of change. We’ll explore tactics for rocking the boat yet staying in it and engaging others who may not want to change. This day will help you build your own resilience, so you remain strong, effective and adaptable when you push forward with changes in your workplace or system. You’ll get the chance to put what you’ve learned into practice and plan how they can help lead a Fab Change Day change project where you work or live.

Objectives of the day:
  1. Learn the tactics and success strategies of other leaders of change and increase your effectiveness as a change agent
  2. Make it feel safer for you and other colleagues to innovate, try new things and fail if necessary to create learning
  3. Take home a toolkit of alternative/additional approaches to supporting change to complement the change and improvement methods that your organisation uses already
  4. Use powerful storytelling methods to mobilise other people to action for improvement
  5. Make new connections and build relationships with likeminded people who also want to make a difference to patients, families and colleagues

This is what attendees at previous events have said:
  • “One of the things I learned from the School is that I tend to tell people a lot of things. SO instead, I now tell a story and engage people on where we want to go as a service.”
  • “It has really helped at a point where I was not in a good place. I probably would have left if I hadn’t done something about it.”
  • “When I started the course I did think there was just me who felt differently.”

Dates and venues

Here are the dates and the venues, with a link through to EventBrite where you can book your place.

Monday 15 August - Exeter


Friday 19 August - Brighton


Friday 26 August - Cambridge


Friday 2 September - Chester


Wednesday 21st September - Bristol


Tuesday 13 September - Newcastle


Wednesday 14 September – Leeds


If you can’t make that date, check www.fabnhsstuff.net/fabchangeday for information about other events taking place throughout the country.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;

 indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Meade

*There is a fee of £50 for anyone who books a place but fails to turn up and doesn’t let us know they aren’t coming
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