So far over 400 hospitals have signed up to the campaign and a 2016/17 CQUIN asked hospitals and mental health trusts to take a series of steps to implement change.
Age UK has worked with John’s Campaign to produce a simple guide called “Implementing John’s Campaign”.
The guide gives practical tips and advice to enable individual champions at ward level to embed the changes called for by the campaign in their hospital from the ground up.
For Fab NHS Change Day 2016 we are pleased to report that we will be sending out the guides to Trusts who have not yet fully adopted the campaign, asking the Director of Nursing to find willing champions to take forward the campaign in their hospital with the support of our guide; not as a matter of NHS or Government policy but because extending an explicit welcome to those who wish to continue to care for older people with a dementia or frailty during a hospital admission is simply the right thing to do.
The guide will also be made available online on the John’s Campaign website: