You can find all the #FabCYPstuff shares here .
Inspiring work, I am sure you will agree - so much so that we have worked with Wendy Nicholson and Sharon White to develop a new FabCYPStuff annual award - The Mary Poppins Award.
So here’s the challenge, get submitting and shine a light on CYP engagement!
Sharon White, Professional Officer for the School and Public Health Nurses Association (SAPHNA) said 'SAPHNA are delighted to see the introduction of an award for the ever advancing and innovative engagement with children and young people which should and must underpin our work. School nurses, in particular have taken up this mantle and I know they have some FAB examples to share!'
Viv Bennet believes that 'listening to and engaging with young people to improve their experience of care is core to our values as public health nurses - we know from our work with school nurses and other nursing groups there are so many good examples of positive engagement, we should find a way to celebrate and share. Using is a great opportunity, I would urge all involved with children and young people to share their examples so we can learn and improve together'.
So, CYP and School Nurses - you have your challenge - share your good stuff and you could be at our Fabulous Award ceremony at the O2 London on November 24th