EOL Swan Scheme - Ring bags

EOL Swan Scheme - Ring bags featured image

Small things do really make a difference.


United Lincolnshire Hospitals has adopted the Swan Scheme which is a nationally reconised framework for dignity in death and is used across almost 50 acute Trusts in England.

A relative of one of our patients thought it would a great idea and more personal to make small purses from old ties as currently along with other trusts, small personal items of their loved ones are given in brown envelopes.

They are so simple to make and have a ribbon inside so rings, necklaces etc can be tied securely.

They can be made in a variety of sizes too with the large ones being able to have glasses, watches put in them.

The idea has really taken off and I have now developed a pattern so others can make them.

We have staff in the trust donating old ties and we managed to secure a large supply from our amazing Grantham League of Friends Charity shop.

We have now started a Lincolnshire wide campaign on twitter to get people to donate their old ties. Its just a small thing BUT a big difference to our families
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