Getting dressed is the first step to getting patients out of bed and moving more.
It gives patients the chance to feel normal and to get back some of their routines, and the freedom to be more active. Being in your own clothes can be a real mental boost, and providing clothes for a family member in hospital gives a small way that you can help your relative during a time where you both may feel helpless. It’s a simple step that can reap big rewards for patient mental and
physical wellbeing.

Name: Edna
Age: 107
107 years (over 39,000 days!), Edna certainly wasn’t a victim of pyjama paralysis!
Edna’s family recount how every day of her 107 year life was started right, by getting up, getting dressed, and her belief that “a tidy mind is a tidy soul”.
A quote from Nan - exploring her phrase of "a tidy mind is a tidy soul " and her relentless ethos of getting up, and dressed even 'at the crack of dawn' - even on holidays, with her Yardley lipstick and no 7 powder in tow!
Ode for Nan who coined the phrase "a tidy mind is a tidy soul"
With hair that might have been classed as fair,
Pinned into a French pleat, that couldn't be beat,
Lipstick and powder in tow - what did that show?
All systems were go. An ethos to follow of well-being,
We were seeing that,
Getting up, those limbs doth freeing,
Dressed was certainly to be blessed,
Whilst Moving at 107, cruising through life with little strife,
Now she has gone, lets pause once more,
At her core, for sure - "A tidy mind is a tidy soul",
Made her day feel whole.
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