#endPJparalysis - it’s about making a difference

Have you seen  The #endPJparalysis website yet?

Its a growing resource and certainly should be on your regular browse list .....


We are on a 70-day mission to achieve a million days of patients up, dressed and moving while in hospital!

This is the #EndPJparalysis campaign. It has become a global social movement embraced by nurses, therapists and medical colleagues.

The 70-day #EndPJparalysis Challenge is running across the UK and Ireland from 17 April to 26 June 2018 to tie in with the 70th anniversary of the NHS on 5 July 2018.

Having patients in their day clothes while in hospital, rather than in pyjamas (PJs) or gowns, enhances dignity, autonomy and experience as well as, in many instances, shortening their length of stay.

For patients over the age of 80, a week in bed can lead to 10 years of muscle ageing, 1.5 kg of muscle loss, and may lead to increased dependency and demotivation. Mobilising (moving) has been shown to reduce falls, improve patient experience and reduce length of stay by up to 1.5 days.

#EndPJparalysis has gained the support of patients and their carers, the latter who love that their relative is up and dressed when they come into see them.

The key question is this

If you had 1,000 days left to live, how many would you choose to spend in hospital?

So, let’s #endPJparalysis and help our patients get back to loved ones in the place they call home!


  • Acute
  • Acute > Clinical Support
  • Acute > Clinical Support > EndPJParalysis
  • Acute > Medicine
  • Acute > Medicine > Rehab and elderly Medicine
  • Acute > Medicine > EndPJParalysis
  • Acute > Surgery
  • Acute > Surgery > EndPJParalysis
  • Acute > Family Care
  • Acute > Family Care > EndPJParalysis
  • Campaigns
  • Campaigns > ECIST
  • ReconditionTheNation Fab Stuff Campaign
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