The Emergency Care Improvement Support Team have developed an online platform using Future NHS networks.
The site, developed by the team using feedback from our customers, provides information on who we are, what we do, and how we can be helpful to systems and organisations to develop improvements across the urgent and emergency care pathway.
The site was designed and built using a 5 day rapid improvement event, an approach we often us with organisations as a standard well known improvement methodology, so an opportunity to use our own techniques on ourselves.
The aim of our new online platform is to share information on who we are, what we offer and above all, how we hope we can be helpful.Please take a look around HERE

ECIST is the Emergency Care Intensive Support Team - helping to spread and share good practice #EndPJparalysis #Red2Green #Last1000days #homefirst. You can also follow us on Twitter @ECISTNetwork
If you haven't seen it before - have a look at the ECIST YouTube Channel its a brilliant resource.