A dementia Christmas gift from Ignar Rip

A dementia Christmas gift from Ignar Rip featured image

Little Things Are The Big Things !!!

This week, Ignar has given us all simple ideas that enable us to engage people living with dementia in the Christmas festivities.

His film and this simple list of ideas and suggestions reminds us all that our insight, time and conversation can be the best Christmas present for a person with dementia.

It’s not about huge amounts of money, it’s about thought and time because at this time of year #LittleThingsAreTheBigThings

How do you involve people with dementia in the Christmas happiness?

How do you make Christmas a wonderful time for them?

It simple - By involving them in the Christmas preparations.

How? By doing things together, by encouraging them to work with you. This creates an ambiance where the person with dementia feels confident to try, they may make mistakes, may forget things but they feel accepted for who they are . It is in this atmosphere that the person with dementia can rise above themselves.


Make mistakes yourselves, drop a Christmas bauble.

Ask the person with dementia for help

What to could you do?

Making Christmas cards

Writing Christmas cards

Sticking postage stamps

Reading addresses

Talking about the people who receive the cards

Decorating the Christmas tree

Getting the decoration out of the box

Doing hooks on the ornaments

Hanging the ornaments

Taste & Smells bring back memories

What was on the Christmas menu in the past ?

What were the favourite Christmas cookies

What was on the Christmas dinner table / breakfast

Are these still available to buy

Can you bake them yourself?

Reviving ancient traditions

Renew Christmas traditions from the past of the person with dementia

Eat this Christmas the Christmas from their middle age.

Get the whole family involved in this , it’s fun for children and grandchildren

Get to know old recipes and doing these preparations helps to connect things together for a person with dementia.

How to do / Or what to do when you visit

Talk about your own Christmas memories

Doing things together / Sitting in the kitchen encourage participation ny holding things for you

Creative activities - these can work around every limitation

Making menu cards

Making floral Christmas arrangements

Christmas decoration

Conversation piece

Talk about your own Christmas memories

Ask friends to drop in and have a chat

Put on Christmas music – sing together

Christmas at school / Going to church


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