The system gains information from diagnosis through to the day care centre, from dom care and residential care to ward, and this ever increasing body of knowledge is transferable from one care facility to the next. Algorithms build an ever expanding Profile of the person with dementia, through data both acquired previously and at the point of patient registration; from digital assessment (ie This Is Me), remote family interaction and from daily activities, such as games and reminiscence therapy. The outcome is an ever expanding repository of knowledge that significantly enhances person centred care, data collection and reporting, through increased patient: nurse engagement and more informed knowledge of the patient.
The key benefits are…
Life Story recording / Bespoke reminiscence therapy with unlimited internet sourced content that actually matches the profile of the person, enabling radically enhanced engagement – no longer a fixed volume of period images unrelated to the viewer, being instead content bespoke to the profile of the viewer, whatever their origin, ethnicity or age. Effective for one to one and group reminiscence therapy or entertainment
Knowledge of the personal triggers that assist in calming strategies / assists reduce anti-psychotic drugs prescribing
Increased family engagement, support and offers ability to remotely upload personal content / assistance with regulatory compliance / mood, wellbeing and bespoke reporting / enhanced nurse and volunteer morale / cross cultural capability and cross generational appeal
For the person with dementia, ReMe provides personal exploration and fun, a means to establish bespoke music and content playlists…. a chance to be the centre of attention.
For the nurse/carer ReMe is a resource of patient knowledge that improves the quality of the relationship and a recourse when agitation and acute behaviour requires the knowledge of the individual to optimise calming strategies, whether Life Story, image or music based.
ReMe is cloud based, requires no local software integration, has no installation issues, requires no training, includes all data protection requirements and is not expensive. It can be used on all devices and with an unlimited number of patients. It requires only a tablet and broadband availability and can be up and running in hours. ReMe can used ‘off the shelf’ or can be bespoke to specific needs.
ReMe has been built by Health-Connected Ltd, in association with UCL, Cisco and DC Thomson and has been trialed in leading hospitals, residential care homes and day care centres and is now being purchased commercially.
ReMe represents the application of today’s cutting edge tech for the care of those with dementia and represents a step change in the person centred dementia care process, and is currently part of the NHS Test Beds process.
Further information can be found at and a free trial arranged via the website.