Delivering high quality relationship and sex education

Delivering high quality relationship and sex education featured image
img_2678Help I’m Hairy is a Keystage 2 relationship and sex education resource which uses narration from students, helpful advice from Yr 6-11 students, fact files, information from a school nurse, animation and short comic sketches to help young people understand what happens physically and emotionally during puberty.

This new version also contains an extra section devoted to Transition to secondary school. The resource is a collaboration between Catcher Media, Walsall School Nurses, Teenage Pregnancy and Sexual Health team, Walsall Schools and Creative Art Team.

Help I'm Hairy has been a highly successful resource, and has been featured on the Times Educational Supplement website.

The resource is freely available to Walsall Schools however can be purchased by any school via our EasySRE website


Body hair

Body changes

Male and female reproductive organs

Periods and sanitary protection


Peer pressure

Emotional changes

Relationships and friendships

Myths ‘Private Parts’ erections and wet dreams

Transition to Secondary School
  • Patient Empowerment
  • School Nursing
  • Public health
  • FabCYPStuff
  • Awards > Awards2016
  • Acute > Patient Empowerment
  • Acute
  • Community Services > Patient Empowerment
  • Community Services
  • Primary Care > Patient Empowerment
  • Primary Care
  • Acute > Family Care > Paediatrics
  • Acute > Family Care
  • Community Services > School Nursing
  • Primary Care > Public health
  • Community Services > Public health
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