Introduction: Education and written information are given to older people during falls prevention programmes.
The NSF for Older People requires literature to be standardised, A representative from Southampton Health Promotion, members of five NHS Trusts, and two Councils undertook a project to standardise relevant literature to avoid both duplication and confusion.
Methods: Resources currently available and in use were reviewed. Leaflets were rejected if in very small print, inaccurate, duplicated something available in an alternative format, were difficult to obtain, or expensive. Designing new local information was rejected, as there was no budget for this. The group collected and analysed information for content, and for "plain English". Information was then divided into three types:
- General information: This comprised small leaflets which could be given out by staff at first contact with any older person.
- Information given in conjunction with treatment and education sessions of falls prevention: This section was subdivided into information for the patient; that suitable for both the patient and/or their carer; and information for the carer.
- Information given with specific diagnoses in addition to A or B: Information on Postural Hypotension, vaso-vagal syncope (only available from syncope clinic), Osteoporosis, fractured neck of femur, and hemiarthroplasty were included.
Results: A pathway clarifying the three divisions was created; on the reverse were details and sources of the recommended information. A laminated Pathway, plus a sample of every leaflet, a covering letter and an evaluation form were disseminated as packs to 500 teams from the participating services.
Conclusions: The Falls User Information Pathway has been incorporated in the Falls Care Pathways for Community Rehabilitation Hospitals, District Nurses, Community Rehabilitation Teams and Southampton General Hospital. It has been included as part of the Community Hospitals' multi-professional Falls Education Care Plan.
This work was presented at the 5th National Conference on falls and postural stability, Manchester 2004 .
Following Sally-Ann's retirement, captured and share (with permission) here, for digitally accessibility and learning from.