Community NHS Staff Show Their Support For NHS Change Day

Staff working in NHS community services in Lincolnshire have been pledging their support for NHS Change Day. The campaign, which is being marked with a national celebration on March 11, brings together ideas and creativity from teams and individuals to make a difference in improving the care and well-being of those using the NHS.

Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) has been encouraging its staff to join in by sharing their stories of how they are making a difference locally. Three of LCHS's stories have featured in the campaign's '100 Days of Change', where one story has been specially selected and published on the website every day for the 100 days leading up to NHS Change Day.

These include how children's speech and language therapy assistants have changed the way they work and become more flexible to better support families across the county; the Stop Before Your Op service, which supports patients to give up smoking before surgery or treatment; and the development of a specialist therapy service for adults living with a stammer.

Other actions shared by LCHS staff on the NHS Change Day website include recruiting dementia champions at John Coupland Hospital, Gainsborough; engaging with patients to improve the Special Care Dental Service countywide; the launch of a breastfeeding website so families can access advice 24 hours a day; a week dedicated to understanding finance; and restorative supervision within health visiting to allow staff to reflect on their practice.

Sue Cousland, Chief Nurse and Director of Operations at LCHS, said: "We are proud to be supporting NHS Change Day at Lincolnshire Community Health Services. The ethos behind the campaign asks for us all to look at how we can make small changes to make a big difference, and we really encourage our staff to lead the way in identifying what is best practice and improvements in care for patients. We've seen some fantastic examples put forward during this year's campaign and I am very confident they will really improve the quality of care being delivered."

Jackie Lynton, of campaign organisers NHS Improving Quality (NHS IQ), said: "Anyone and everyone can take part in Change Day. It's about deciding to make the changes which we can make - this could be as patients, members of the public, carers, care workers, doctors, nurses, therapists or administrators. Everyone is at the front line for their part of the world. Working together, our individual changes will add up to how we improve care for people who use our service and in health and care across the world."

For more information about the services provided by LCHS please visit:
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