Combine.... Unite ........

Combine.... Unite ........ featured image

Let your staff know they are valued .......

The Coronavirus challenge is bigger than anything most of us will have faced in our working lives. But the bigger the challenge, the greater are the heroes and heroines who rise to it.

We are proud at Combined Healthcare of the values of compassion and teamwork that drive what we do and who we are. We want everyone who works for us and with us to have the opportunity to show solidarity, appreciation and gratitude for each other – for the things we do, for the extra mile we go, for the compassion we show.

If you want to do so, you can provide your own message of appreciation for something being done by an individual or a team. It can be anything you like, big or not so big. It could be that you simply want to say “I really value what you do and how you do it”. Or a message of support and encouragement. Or maybe you want to give a public profile for something being done that otherwise might go unnoticed.

We know that everyone is united in this challenge. Frontline staff and support staff. Staff working on our wards and people working throughout our community teams. Permanent staff and bank and volunteers. We are ALL in this together and we want to highlight, support and recognise everyone.

If you wish to add your own tribute – go to

Over the coming days and weeks we hope to build a lasting tribute and record of the extraordinary things we are doing and all we are going to do. You can search through all of the tributes by clicking here to visit our Hall of Fame.

You can have a look at the website  here

  • Leadership and Management
  • Leadership and Management > Quality and Performance
  • Leadership and Management > Quality and Performance > Valueing service feedback
  • Leadership and Management > Workforce
  • Leadership and Management > Workforce > Valuing your staff
  • Mental Health
  • Mental Health > Resilience
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