What - Since the implementation of the enhanced recovery programme (ERP) the patient’s hospital stay is reduced, putting more pressure on the after care of stoma patients in the community. During the life changing experience of stoma formation, consistency of patient care is paramount to ensure that patients’ needs are catered for and a seamless service is achieved. We needed to redesign our service to ensure a community support and follow up could be provided.
How – The Health Board funded colorectal and stoma care nursing posts within the Trust allowed for the provision of acute inpatient services only. It was necessary to secure funding to fill the gap. Following a formal tender process, the service is sponsored by Coloplast. A Coloplast Care nurse now works within our team. We have integrated the nurse into our team, have regular open communication and collaborate to provide seamless care.
Outcome – We have developed an integrated service pathway which ensures patients have continuity of care throughout their recovery journey. Clarification of the seamless pathway has improved communication and enabled GPs to be confident of the service their patients are receiving.
Conclusion - Nurses are cautious about commercial and NHS collaboration but our service redesign has proved that seamless care and integration can be a most beneficial outcome. Given the financial situation, collaboration with commercial partners is probably here to stay. If you are involved and lead the collaborative process you can redesign and optimise your service.