Originally inspired by a handful of enthusiasts, Change Day (as it started), became Change Week and at the same time grew an international foot-print.
The initial idea was to ask colleagues, actually doing the job, what they would change to make their work and the patient or client experience better. They pledged to make the changes a reality. The Academy of Fabulous Stuff became involved to record the pledges and record how they were put into practice.
The concept of ground-up change has since become a social movement and every day, throughout the year The Academy receives hundreds of practical, workable ideas that are proven in use and are shared in the spirit of innovation and improvement.

This year, 2018, Change Week is Changing gear #FabChange70
This year we want you to make different pledges.
We know, from our Academy on The Road visits, there will often be great ideas in one department, that are unknown in other parts of the organisation and certainly unknown to the rest of the NHS. But these ideas, these service 'fixes', these adding value touches, these audits and these patient experience improvements are potentially transferable and generalisable, meaning others can learn from them, tweak them and make them their own.
This year we want you to pledge to go looking in your organisations, for the good ideas, the new ways of working. Find them, tell us about them,show us what good looks like where you work.
17-19th October #FabChange70 is a 70 hour digital and social media hook-up which will schedule and broadcast 24/7 showcasing your shares of what good looks like and sharing them across the NHS, Social Care and overseas.
In the next two weeks we will be sharing a simple 'How to guide' with all the resources you need to participate in #FabChange70.
So have a think, how will you find and share the great work being delivered where you work? How will you share and celebrate the work within your organisation?
Behind the doors of departments there will be samples of how you are working, how you do things, that may well solve a problem or improve the performance of the wider NHS. Show us your good stuff, help us change gear.