Central Manchester Foundation Trust plan to make an impact with Fab Change Day 2016

Central Manchester Foundation Trust plan to make an impact with Fab Change Day 2016 featured image
On October 19th 2016, the Central Manchester Foundation Trust (CMFT) staff and clinicians from every speciality across 6 hospitals will come together to make a personal commitment to change in the NHS. CMFT have scaled up their regular quarterly event, Transform Together, with Fab Change Day to demonstrate to staff that all levels of the NHS are committed to change. To that end, they will be engaging their staff through every avenue available before and on the day itself – with the hope of making a lasting difference.

The CMFT 'Save the Date' poster. The poster is part of a communications plan that involves their monthly newsletter, their staff intranet and a weekly email that updates people and maintains hype for the event.[/caption]

The Transformation Team have been working with Organisational Training and Development and their Innovation Team and have asked each of their 6 hospitals to submit proposals for their own change projects to be showcased on FabChangeDay 2016. The team knows that #simplelittlethings matter, so they asked staff to make their stalls as engaging as they could – bringing in equipment to showcase or freebies to give out. The team aims to reach as many of their 15,000 staff as possible by leaving the posters up for a week after the day.

Taking a step beyond simply having each hospital present their own projects in their own atria, the team have grouped the projects into themes like Theatre Quality or Length of Stay. Projects under each theme will be placed into “hubs” and staff will present their own posters at least during the core hours of 11.30am to 2.30pm.

Not only will this help staff realise how many people are committed to the same objectives as they are, as a final flourish, the team plans to place sign-up sheets for randomised coffee trials at each of their stalls. Like-minded people from different parts of the hospital can then be paired up and have a coffee together. Having coffee with someone from another department or area will break down silos and get people to connect and learn from each other.

cmft-stallsFabChangeDay also coincides with the Trust-wide ACE day, where staff already limit their clinic hours to conduct training and discuss how they can improve the quality of care they provide in their own areas. Most hospitals will take time out of their ACE day to take part in the FabChangeDay activities. Altogether, 19th October therefore promises to be a day revolving around discussions of change.

The team has even engaged with volunteers to show staff and patients what is going on and to encourage them to make pledges either online or to write them down.

cmft-transformIf you are wondering how they kept these ambitious plans cost-effective, CMFT has managed to work with TRUSTECH to sponsor the event. Some of TRUSTECH’s clients are companies who create medical innovations, and they will have a chance to engage with staff on Fab Change Day in this public-private partnership through their own posters.

Even if Fab Change Day is just a day, CMFT understands that its effects need to keep building up, if their Trust is to deliver quality healthcare cost-effectively. The team will continue working, with the hope of carrying forward the momentum, after Fab Change Day.

Follow CMFT’s Transformation Team on Twitter @CMFT_Transform to keep abreast of their plans.
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