Cardiac Rehab Group Gives Confidence Back To Patients

A cardiac rehab group to support patients in the community who have suffered a heart attack has celebrated a six month milestone. The Louth Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme which is run by Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS), moved from the Recreation Hall at Louth County Hospital to its new premises at the Wolds Gym at Cordaux Academy in February of this year.

The programme supports patients who have suffered a recent heart attack. Patients embark on an eight week exercise programme with heart healthy educational talks incorporating health eating, medication, stress and relaxation techniques and the benefits of exercise.

Former patient Ian Mills, a police officer from North Thoresby, had a heart attack in November. He said: "I am physically fit and when I was referred to the group I thought I would find it a struggle and wouldn't get much from it - I couldn't have been more wrong. "The facilities are fantastic and the support you get is a massive benefit. I've made friends through the sessions and have my confidence back to exercise again."

The Wolds Gym offers fantastic facilities with state of the art exercise equipment which you would expect in a mainstream gym. The conference rooms are large and air conditioned with all the latest technological equipment for delivering the educational talks. Mum of three Debbie Wilson, a Parent Practitioner, had a heart attack in January this year. She said: "I was anxious before I came to the sessions but thought it was great after my first session. The programme is very tailored to you and your needs. The staff and the volunteers are brilliant. I was nervous about exercising but you are so closely monitored and it is very safe. "You start to look forward to the sessions and make friends and you're able to have a laugh too. Having a pharmacist there to talk to you about your medication was also a big help."

Both Ian and Debbie are now exercising independently and are looking forward to organising a catch up with the rest of their group. Alison Bunn, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nurse Specialist and Team Lead for LCHS said: "The staff and our wonderful volunteers work incredibly hard to provide such a fantastic programme for our patients. "Before we moved here we spent a considerable amount of time as a team to completely refresh the entire programme to fit this fabulous venue. "We cannot thank Cordeaux Academy enough for sharing this amazing facility which has allowed us to provide the only gym based Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme in Lincolnshire. It's a really great partnership." Patrick Daley, Principal at Cordeaux Academy said: "We are pleased to be able to work with the cardio rehab team in helping provide such a valuable community initiative. Partnership working of this nature is an important part of what we do at Cordeaux and we wish the group every success for the future."
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