Can RED frames reduce falls

The hospital environment can be challenging for service users with cognitive or sensory impairments due to a lack of contrast between walls, floors and equipment. As we age we lose the ability to differentiate colours clearly, spatial awareness reduces and perception of depth decreases.

Brightly coloured walking frames are easier to see than traditional grey or silver, which means they are easier to find, therefore service users are more likely to use them to help them walk, regain independence and provide support to reduce their risk of falling.

Chantry unit have purchased a small number of red frames to trial. We will monitor compliance, independence and falls.

The colour red has been seen to increase brain wave activity and provide a greater contrast with surroundings.

If it works it will be a simple but effective way of making it easier for service users with sensory and cognitive impairments to be more active, which is important for their overall health and wellbeing and supports greater confidence and independence and ultimately a reduced risk of falls.

  • Social Care
  • Social Care > Falls prevention
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Fabulous Stuff
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