#BrainTumourWarrior and Tom Daley launch new appeal on behalf of the Brain Tumour Charity

In a film originally shown on BBC One on the 23rd July, Tom Daley and #BrainTumourWarrior feature in  an appeal on behalf of The Brain Tumour Charity, which supports people living with a brain tumour and their families, as well as funding research into finding a cure.

You can watch the film  here

Tom lost his dad Rob to a brain tumour aged just 40 in 2011 and the family have been supported directly by the charity. Tom continues to be a long standing supporter of the work and campaigns they do.

In the appeal Tom says:I lost my dad Rob to a brain tumour six years ago. He was my biggest supporter but he didn't live to see me dive in the London Olympics in 2012.

“The Brain Tumour Charity is doing so much to change the future for people like my dad - funding research to find a cure as well as raising awareness of the disease and its impact.

“Through its HeadSmart campaign, the charity has helped to make sure children with brain tumours are diagnosed more quickly than before. That's saving lives and preventing some of the long-term health problems brain tumours can cause in children.

“Now the charity wants to do the same for adults, for the sake of every single family affected by a brain tumour.”

Also featuring in the film is Angela Conway from Northumberland. She was diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2015 aged 21 while studying at Edinburgh University. Angela has become a staunch campaigner in support of HeadSmart, The Brain Tumour Charity's drive to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of childhood brain tumours and writes for us as #BrainTumourWarrior

You can find out more information about the work of The Brain Tumour Charity  here



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