She said that she had undertaken a quality improvement project and was able to demonstrate clearly that the blue sheets, if used as Incontinence pads, can increase the risk of moisture lesions.
Abi said “They don’t absorb as much moisture as the ‘nappy-style’ pads leaving the patient laying in moisture."
What was it like doing the project Abi? “It was great” She said “The whole team got behind me and the project. With the help of Gemma Clarke (a colleague on Clarke ward), I collected the data over several months and then presented the evidence I had to the team.”
What did you do next? “The blue sheets were commonly being used as Inco pads but when I was able to tell the nurses that using the blue sheets increase the risk to patients they were talking to me about what they wanted to do instead of using the blue sheets.“
“We came up with a plan.” Abi told us “We moved the sheets away from the other incontinence devices and stored them elsewhere. Then we spread the word”.
Are you happy that your patients are safer? “Yes” said Abi “And we are saving 66p every time we don’t use a blue sheet”
What did you do next? “Gemma and I have been spreading the word to other areas” said Abi “We have been presenting the project to other groups such as the Preceptorship group and the HCAs”.
Abi was awarded a WOW! award for her work on this project—well done Abi.