The term 'optimal' is defined by each individual clinical situation and ranges from a 1 minute delay to much later when the umbilical cord is completely drained of blood.
Research shows clear proven benefits resulting from the baby recieving its full circulating blood volume from the placenta. In the UK NICE guidelines now recommend delayed cord clamping however it is yet to be implemented as routine practice in all hospital trusts.
Hence when the campaign started there was a clear demand from midwives and birthworkers for tools to facilitate discussions about optimal cord clamping and the changes to practice with women. The campaign was started by myself, a student midwife from the University of Central Lancashire but in order to keep up with the demand for stickers/postcards and posters I sought external sponsorship.

I also built the website from which the campaign materials can be freely ordered and further information sought.
Please visit the website, order the materials and share the information with women and families. www.bloodtobaby.com