Accelerating innovation in the NHS: commitment of the NIA



The NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA), was formed following the Five Year Forward View’s commitment to create the conditions and culture for necessary for innovation to scale at pace for rapid patient benefit. Launched in January 2015, the NIA delivers bespoke support via a Fellowship to enable the rapid uptake of evidence based innovations to be adopted more rapidly across the NHS, for improved patient outcomes and reduce cost.


17 Fellows joined the programme in 2015, each receiving support to take their high impact innovations to more than 345 NHS providers and commissioners over the course of the past year, raising over £17million in funding and winning 12 awards.


#NHSaccelerate via the Academy of Fab Stuff


You can find out more about our 2015 Fellows and their innovations here.


Plus, we’ll be profiling them and providing updates of their progress via the Academy of Fab Stuff using the hashtag #NHSaccelerate.


NIA 2016 Fellows to be announced in November


After a successful first year, NIA 2016 opened for applications for 8 additional healthcare innovators on the 17th June.


This round of applications focussed on three population based health challenges:

  • Prevention
  • Early intervention
  • Long terms condition management

The successful applicants will be announced at an official launch event on 9th November.


Benefits of the NIA programme


Whilst participating in the NIA programme, Fellows receive a bespoke support programme, which includes:

  • Peer support and learning: bringing together a community of Fellows, open to learning and each bringing individual expertise and experience to the programme.
  • Honest, constructive challenge to develop robust diffusion and marketing plans based on root cause barriers to uptake, competitors, effective enablers and defined customers/payers.
  • A ‘one-stop-shop’ platform through which a range of expertise (e.g. procurement, business development, marketing etc.) and learning opportunities can be accessed, depending on the bespoke needs of the fellow throughout their 12 months.
  • A tailored learning programme both individually and as a cohort around different diffusion approaches drawing on international learning (e.g. IPIHD), and in particular, understanding the role of patient networks in innovation and creating opportunities for innovation pull.
  • A partner from within the lead AHSN, who will build an in-depth understanding of a Fellow’s innovation/ambition and will support day to day delivery of diffusion plans.
  • Access to a pool of mentors drawn from seasoned healthcare innovators from the NHS and industry.
  • A bursary of up to £30,000 to support diffusion plans.
  • Networking opportunities, supporting access to key individuals and networks.

Sharing achievement


Watch our short video to find out why the NIA is something the NHS should be really proud of.


It has been made by the NIA Fellows supported in 2015/16. In just a few short minutes they describe how the NIA has benefited their work and led to some incredible achievements that will benefit patients.



For more information visit


Follow the NHS Innovation Accelerator on Twitter: @NHSaccelerator 

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  • #NHSaccelerate
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