A letter from Tehran - Nott to be missed .....

tehranI'll let you figure out where I am for the next few days. Out of the country, out of the NHS and out of the rows about the future of our junior doctors. I'll leave you to sort it out by the time I get back.

On the plane I was thinking about what the future NHS might look like. Do you think we might ever get to the point where wards might be responsible for their own budgets, rota their own staff, rearrange themselves to save money and improve outcomes?

Is there a chance we might get to the point where real time data is improving care, comparing clinical performance, redesign pathways and reshape care? What is the chance we might see hospital boards trusting their staff to innovate, change, improve and do the things that only the front line of care know how to do.

Will we ever hear a conversation about Trusts being run by syndicated decision making among the staff. A Trust that might, one day, be a manager free zone. Will we ever know of a place where dementia sufferers, locked into an isolated existence, are offered a music therapy that reintroduces them to their lives. What about worried, first time Mums and Dads put at ease with an App that takes them through their nine months, a step at a time.

What about an App that gives real time data on safe staffing numbers, shared across the whole organisation. Surely a software breakthrough that has national potential and urgently needed. All worth doing in our quest for a safer and more nimble NHS.

All worth doing because it is the right thing to and doing the right thing is always right. My flight of fancy into the future... wasn't.

It was all alive and they are doing it every day at the fabulous Nottingham University Hospitals. Established management, an open minded board and engaged, interested, nimble staff who not only want to make a difference but can and are expected to, as their strap line says... just do it.

The NHS, its great when it works and it certainly works in Nottingham. Go and see for yourself; they love visitors.

Meanwhile, until I get back; you are in charge; so get stuff sorted please. Be like Nottingham; just do it.
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