Fab Change 22-23 Pledge. #ButFirstDrink

Name: Sara-Jane

I would like to pledge our new campaign #ButFirstADrink

This has been introduced this week on Acute Medical short stay(AMSS) at Pilgrim hospital.

This involves the simple phase 'but first as drink' with our patient's, offering a drink at the start of any interaction.

It is hoped this with reduce dehydration, which in turn will also reduce falls, pressure

damage, AKI's Delirium, UTI's and constipation and also decrease the length of stay

in hospital.

I pledge to hopefully make a difference by introducing this to staff and patients and make it part of our routine on AMSS.

[email protected]

  • Acute
  • Acute > Medicine
  • Acute > Medicine > UltimateULHT
  • Acute > Nutrition
  • FabChanges22to23
  • FabPledge
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