Bring Your Own Containers? Becoming a more eco-friendly workplace!

With their being a huge focus on the country becoming more environmentally friendly, especially using less plastic, it got me thinking about some of the changes we could make in our own workplace.

I am one who is likely to purchase my lunches (and sometimes breakfast) at the canteen - tasty homemade food and cheap as chips! However, I have noticed that when I (most often) have to take the food away, it is put into polystyrene containers, and you are provided with plastic cutlery. We need to think of a way to reduce single-use plastic, and here is my idea:

As seen in the picture for this post, could we take a leaf out of this shop's book and promote customers to bring along their own containers

We could even charge extra for the use of single-use containers?

  • Commissioning and Procurement > Fabulous Stuff
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