0-19 Continuing development portfolio

Our service was going through many changes and we wanted to ensure we had a platform to share our learning needs and also to evidence what we have learnt.

We were aware that we needed a greater understanding of the different roles that were in the 0-19 team depending on what our back ground was.

It was essential that there was clarity that colleagues did not think that if they completed the document they would then be fit to practice within the other speciality. For example this document would not support the transition of a school nurse to being a health visitor. However it would enable the greater understanding of the service delivery so when we were discussing this with parents we had accurate up to date knowledge of what was being delivered and what support we could signpost them to.

Our initial starting point was what we wanted to include in the tool. It was decided that by developing short POD casts and longer videos as we had made links with Lincoln Collage drama and performing arts department we could generate the ideas into life.

Our initial ideas were 2 minute Pod casts so parents are aware of what the core offer of health visiting and school nursing entailed as we wanted to generate awareness with parents regarding the importance of the service we delivered and how we work in partnership with them. By asking colleagues to support the development of this they would also be sharing their knowledge around these core contacts.

In addition producing a longer video where assessments could be filmed as a way of provoking a discussion with colleagues abut rationale for carrying them out in this way. It is important that in order to confirm best practice that we have the opportunity to challenge each other in a safe environment.

In addition the tool would need to be supportive of capturing new information that had been read, study days attended, E learning and policies and reading and reflections that the practitioner had participated in. Then we broke this down in to the Why? How? and What? as it needed to be a tangible resource that would capture the practitioners imagination and the buy in from them that this was a useful and credible resource.

Why was a new tool needed? With the launch of the 0-19 service in family and healthy lifestyles we needed a way of evidencing best practice, which can be shown through:- partnership working, evidence based practice, peer review and reflective discussions.

How could this be achieved? The Portfolio structure would allow for the confirmation that we have developed our practical, research and educational skills. Showcasing that we are a prepared work force to manage the many changes the NHS will go through with a renewed confidence and capability.

What would this achieve? Throughout Specialist Community Public Health Nursing career’s we will need to revisit all areas of practice as new evidence emerges, service specifications are redesigned in order to make a difference in our endeavour of searching for health needs and redressing inequalities as we stay ahead of practice. This new tool would ensure this detail was captured and presented in a manner that would be fit for revalidation as we could reflect on our practice and what this means for the families we are supporting.
  • Fabulous Stuff
  • Training
  • education
  • The Penguin Teamship Award
  • CYP Nursing
  • Acute > Fabulous Stuff
  • Acute
  • Leadership and Management > Fabulous Stuff
  • Leadership and Management
  • Primary Care > Fabulous Stuff
  • Primary Care
  • Community Services > Fabulous Stuff
  • Community Services
  • Mental Health > Fabulous Stuff
  • Mental Health
  • Social Care > Fabulous Stuff
  • Social Care
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Fabulous Stuff
  • Commissioning and Procurement
  • Acute > Training
  • Leadership and Management > Training
  • Primary Care > Training
  • Community Services > Training
  • Mental Health > Training
  • Social Care > Training
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Training
  • Acute > education
  • Leadership and Management > education
  • Primary Care > education
  • Community Services > education
  • Mental Health > education
  • Social Care > education
  • Commissioning and Procurement > education
  • Acute > Family Care > Paediatrics
  • Acute > Family Care
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